Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In connection with the increased anthropogenic effects on the agricultural lands necessary to optimize their structure and functioning. Contemporary landscapes of the forest zone constitutes a mosaic system, consisting of a variety of agricultural landscapes and adjacent to them nature landscapes occupied by various forests and swamps, as well as residential landscapes. Ecotones, transitional ecosystems, neighbouring ecosystems in the agricultural landscape, this protective forest strips, plantings of tall control plants, a small swamp, community of steel I-beams, etc. The ecotones increase the stability of agrolandscapes, perform barrier functions.

agrolandscape, ecotone, anthropogenic influence, agrotechnogenic, the functioning of agrolandscape
In connection with the increased anthropogenic effects on the agricultural lands necessary to optimize their structure and functioning. Contemporary landscapes of the forest zone constitutes a mosaic system, consisting of a variety of agricultural landscapes and adjacent to them nature landscapes occupied by various forests and swamps, as well as residential landscapes. Ecotones, transitional ecosystems, neighbouring ecosystems in the agricultural landscape, this protective forest strips, plantings of tall control plants, a small swamp, community of steel I-beams, etc. The ecotones increase the stability of agrolandscapes, perform barrier functions.

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