Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Based on the analysis of the definition of a geographical map, as well as a formalized description of the structure of cartographic information, a generalized concept of classical and digital geographic maps is proposed.
geographic map, spatial relations, cartographic structure, geoinformation structure
1. Lebedev P.P. Evolyuciya ponyatiya geograficheskoy karty Izv. vuzov Geodeziya i aerofotos'emka. 2015. № 2.
2. Lebedev P.P. Strukturnyy podhod v kartografii Izv. vuzov Geodeziya i aerofotos'emka. 2010. № 1.
3. Lebedev P.P. Znachenie i opyt matematicheskogo predstavleniya geograficheskoy karty kak celogo Izv. RAN Geografiya. 2010. № 3.