Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Geoecological security is a complex of states, phenomena and actions that support the ecological balance on the Earth and in any of its regions. The territory, as a strategic resource of the state, is the arena of biosphere processes, the balance of which ensures sustainable development. The methodology of geoecological standardization of the territory, as a new scientific direction, is based on the algorithmization of the interconnectedness of natural processes by means of GIS technologies for ensuring environmental safety. In standardization, the validation interval for the allowed values of specific variables and standards is justified, which is necessary for the management of the natural and technical systems of the territories. The economy of nature management is implemented in a new conceptual and strategic direction, providing a new paradigm for the prosperity of society.

geoecological safety, geoecological standard of the territory, environmental economics
Geoecological security is a complex of states, phenomena and actions that support the ecological balance on the Earth and in any of its regions. The territory, as a strategic resource of the state, is the arena of biosphere processes, the balance of which ensures sustainable development. The methodology of geoecological standardization of the territory, as a new scientific direction, is based on the algorithmization of the interconnectedness of natural processes by means of GIS technologies for ensuring environmental safety. In standardization, the validation interval for the allowed values of specific variables and standards is justified, which is necessary for the management of the natural and technical systems of the territories. The economy of nature management is implemented in a new conceptual and strategic direction, providing a new paradigm for the prosperity of society.

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