Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Three main actively developing directions of modern society: economy, energy and the environment define the main objective facing humanity in the twenty-first century. The article presents a brief analysis of the current trends in the development of modern society with his uncontrolled consumption growth, expansion and one-sided economic approach to evaluating any kind of activities with the declining quality of life and the scarcity of natural resources. Research data about state of environment the most economically active of the region showed a negative example of one-sided economic growth, resource consumption and power consumption, which is the denial of environmental problems, invariably leads to ecological collapse and the formation of territories unsuitable for living. Such one-sided economic development is comparable with the strategy of ecocide is tantamount to genocide. In the result of the analysis based on global statistics of the main trends in the development of companies and data from global simulations carried out by the group of D. Meadows within the "Institute for global challenges", the dominant direction of the environment. Personal development ecology should be an adequate response to arising threats to the continued existence of civilization. In conclusion, there was formulated the main problems of modern ecology and ways of their solution.

uncontrolled consumption growth, industrial production, environmental degradation, environmental security, global issues, active environmental protection measures
Three main actively developing directions of modern society: economy, energy and the environment define the main objective facing humanity in the twenty-first century. The article presents a brief analysis of the current trends in the development of modern society with his uncontrolled consumption growth, expansion and one-sided economic approach to evaluating any kind of activities with the declining quality of life and the scarcity of natural resources. Research data about state of environment the most economically active of the region showed a negative example of one-sided economic growth, resource consumption and power consumption, which is the denial of environmental problems, invariably leads to ecological collapse and the formation of territories unsuitable for living. Such one-sided economic development is comparable with the strategy of ecocide is tantamount to genocide. In the result of the analysis based on global statistics of the main trends in the development of companies and data from global simulations carried out by the group of D. Meadows within the "Institute for global challenges", the dominant direction of the environment. Personal development ecology should be an adequate response to arising threats to the continued existence of civilization. In conclusion, there was formulated the main problems of modern ecology and ways of their solution.

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