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Abstract (English):
When communicating via HTTP or HTTPS, the client waits for a response to its request sent to the server. For example, an Internet browser sends a request for a document in HTML format and, in response, waits for a digital response code, and in some cases, a message. Code 404 indicates that an error occurred. The first digit "4" indicates the very fact of the error, and the next two digits call the specific type of error. In HTTP, three-digit codes are used, similar to the codes used in earlier versions of the FTP and NNTP protocols. After the digital code there is an explanation of the reason for the user to understand what the error is. Most servers use the phrase "Not Found", offered by the HTTP specification.

404, Internet marketing, page design code 404
When communicating via HTTP or HTTPS, the client waits for a response to its request sent to the server. For example, an Internet browser sends a request for a document in HTML format and, in response, waits for a digital response code, and in some cases, a message. Code 404 indicates that an error occurred. The first digit "4" indicates the very fact of the error, and the next two digits call the specific type of error. In HTTP, three-digit codes are used, similar to the codes used in earlier versions of the FTP and NNTP protocols. After the digital code there is an explanation of the reason for the user to understand what the error is. Most servers use the phrase "Not Found", offered by the HTTP specification.

1. Oshibka 404 https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTTP_404

2. Seopult https://blog.seopult.ru/news/how-to-kak-nastroit-301-j-redirekt.html

3. Chto takoe 301 redirekt? http://yaroslaff.su/kak-nastroit-301-redirekt/

4. 301 redirekt (pereadresaciya) cherez.htaccess - na vse sluchai zhizni https://web-optimizator.com/301-redirekt-htaccess/

5. 5. Magazin Ozon - ozon.ru

6. University of Oxford - ox.ac.uk

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