Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The paper considers the theoretical aspects of social networks are disclosed, the stages of evolution are presented (with the simplest functional, the functional of the basic interaction, the problem-oriented type), the basic definition of the social network as a user community that unites them with the common medium of communication and the possibility of establishing contacts among themselves. Classification of social networks, problems of account promotion in social networks, quantitative parameters of social network marketing effectiveness evaluation are given.

marketing of social networks, social network
The paper considers the theoretical aspects of social networks are disclosed, the stages of evolution are presented (with the simplest functional, the functional of the basic interaction, the problem-oriented type), the basic definition of the social network as a user community that unites them with the common medium of communication and the possibility of establishing contacts among themselves. Classification of social networks, problems of account promotion in social networks, quantitative parameters of social network marketing effectiveness evaluation are given.

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