Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to problems of formation of land ownership in the limit of cooperation of some cooperation. The author analyzed some points of views on the division of the rights of ownership on objects, which are given in scientific literature. The content of main rights of ownership about land plots is given in the article. The author gives key specifications of land as basic factor of agriculture. The principles of formation and developing of private ownership of resources in agrarian economy are given in the article. The author analyzed the dynamics and structure of landowners and forms of cooperation between them. The author analyzes the results of monitoring agricultural land.

agriculture, powers of ownership, property relations, ownership of land, land
The article is devoted to problems of formation of land ownership in the limit of cooperation of some cooperation. The author analyzed some points of views on the division of the rights of ownership on objects, which are given in scientific literature. The content of main rights of ownership about land plots is given in the article. The author gives key specifications of land as basic factor of agriculture. The principles of formation and developing of private ownership of resources in agrarian economy are given in the article. The author analyzed the dynamics and structure of landowners and forms of cooperation between them. The author analyzes the results of monitoring agricultural land.

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