Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article examines the legal and social aspects of sustainable development of rural territories in the Russian Federation. In the preparation of materials and recommendations of the parliamentary hearings of the State Duma Committee on agrarian issues. Rural areas possess vast natural, demographic, economic and historical-cultural potential. We need to continue to increase the level of state support in the agricultural sector (including with the use of a uniform mechanism for subsidies and other financial and non-financial instruments), to achieve compliance between the objectives of state support of development of agriculture and sustainable development of rural areas, the expected results of the implementation of appropriate measures and mechanisms for their implementation, including ensuring the required level of funding. It is necessary to ensure compliance with the conditions of providing state support from the Federal budget for the implementation of regional government programs of development of agriculture and sustainable rural development.

state program of sustainable development of rural areas, farmland, modernization of the agricultural sector
The article examines the legal and social aspects of sustainable development of rural territories in the Russian Federation. In the preparation of materials and recommendations of the parliamentary hearings of the State Duma Committee on agrarian issues. Rural areas possess vast natural, demographic, economic and historical-cultural potential. We need to continue to increase the level of state support in the agricultural sector (including with the use of a uniform mechanism for subsidies and other financial and non-financial instruments), to achieve compliance between the objectives of state support of development of agriculture and sustainable development of rural areas, the expected results of the implementation of appropriate measures and mechanisms for their implementation, including ensuring the required level of funding. It is necessary to ensure compliance with the conditions of providing state support from the Federal budget for the implementation of regional government programs of development of agriculture and sustainable rural development.

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