Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Relying on opinions of authors, logistics predetermines evolution of stages of development: strengthening of economic globalization and integration from micro, meso to megalevel; and also the global scientific and technical revolution operating at a turn of the millennia (the twentieth -twenty-first centuries). Approaches to studying of formation of logistic processes state the content of business processes: warehouse economy, processing of freight, management of a commodity stock, information exchange, diagnostics of the existing processes, transportation and forwarding. Having studied formation of the mechanism of prime cost of a product of manufacturing and trade enterprises, the most part of expenses are the share of logistic processes. System effectiveness of management of logistics allows to reduce cost of the enterprise, to lower distribution costs, to increase sales volumes, it is rational to use a manpower that will increase the level of competitiveness of the market subject. Relying on research of labor market in the field of logistics there are no skilled workers. At the operating enterprises there are no experts, therefore a tendency in management of logistic processes is outsourcing. Now the logistic organizations are ready to provide a full complex of services (responsible storage of goods, transport services, management of a commodity stock, diagnostics of the market) with execution of full financial and legal responsibility.

logistics, outsourcing, region, efficiency, services, management, monitoring, expenses, distribution costs, labor productivity
Relying on opinions of authors, logistics predetermines evolution of stages of development: strengthening of economic globalization and integration from micro, meso to megalevel; and also the global scientific and technical revolution operating at a turn of the millennia (the twentieth -twenty-first centuries). Approaches to studying of formation of logistic processes state the content of business processes: warehouse economy, processing of freight, management of a commodity stock, information exchange, diagnostics of the existing processes, transportation and forwarding. Having studied formation of the mechanism of prime cost of a product of manufacturing and trade enterprises, the most part of expenses are the share of logistic processes. System effectiveness of management of logistics allows to reduce cost of the enterprise, to lower distribution costs, to increase sales volumes, it is rational to use a manpower that will increase the level of competitiveness of the market subject. Relying on research of labor market in the field of logistics there are no skilled workers. At the operating enterprises there are no experts, therefore a tendency in management of logistic processes is outsourcing. Now the logistic organizations are ready to provide a full complex of services (responsible storage of goods, transport services, management of a commodity stock, diagnostics of the market) with execution of full financial and legal responsibility.

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