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Abstract (English):
At present, the issues of improving public administration in the sphere of land use are of key importance. At present, the authorities are particularly interested in developing mechanisms for managing state property aimed at the sustainable functioning and effective use of real estate. In the article the scheme of interrelation of processes of the land resources management system is presented, its economic regulators forming the economic mechanism of land resources management are considered. The main directions and requirements to them are characterized. It is noted that the economic regulation of land relations reflects the economic interests of the state, landowners and land users, implemented in the process of state regulation of land relations, which creates an organizational and legal basis, regulates economic activities and responsibilities of land law subjects, and market regulation, implemented on the basis of supply and demand on land, the means of production and the results of labor. The article presents the results of the analysis of the socio-economic development of Moscow in the period from 2013, including the results of determining and changing the cadastral value. The authors note that, today in Moscow, work is constantly being done to improve the management system of the lease fund, the amount of rent for the land plot, established on the basis of cadastral value, also changes from year to year. This allows us today to assess the method of transferring land for lease as the most promising and fastest growing process.

rent, cadastral valuation, land management, economic mechanism
At present, the issues of improving public administration in the sphere of land use are of key importance. At present, the authorities are particularly interested in developing mechanisms for managing state property aimed at the sustainable functioning and effective use of real estate. In the article the scheme of interrelation of processes of the land resources management system is presented, its economic regulators forming the economic mechanism of land resources management are considered. The main directions and requirements to them are characterized. It is noted that the economic regulation of land relations reflects the economic interests of the state, landowners and land users, implemented in the process of state regulation of land relations, which creates an organizational and legal basis, regulates economic activities and responsibilities of land law subjects, and market regulation, implemented on the basis of supply and demand on land, the means of production and the results of labor. The article presents the results of the analysis of the socio-economic development of Moscow in the period from 2013, including the results of determining and changing the cadastral value. The authors note that, today in Moscow, work is constantly being done to improve the management system of the lease fund, the amount of rent for the land plot, established on the basis of cadastral value, also changes from year to year. This allows us today to assess the method of transferring land for lease as the most promising and fastest growing process.

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