Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The notary system, which is tightly controlled by the state, but not being formally a public authorities, has some freedom in testing and implementing new and sometimes quite revolutionary technologies that provide notarial services. The ability to comply with the most modern trends, the ability to adopt the most advanced foreign experience has always been particularly emphasized by the Federal Chamber of Notaries and representatives of public authorities responsible for interaction and control in the notary system. The article considers topical issues of adoption new information and telecommunication technologies in the sphere of modern Russian notary system and the prospects for its further development in connection with the development of the relevant legal framework.

notary system, information technologies, electronic signature
The notary system, which is tightly controlled by the state, but not being formally a public authorities, has some freedom in testing and implementing new and sometimes quite revolutionary technologies that provide notarial services. The ability to comply with the most modern trends, the ability to adopt the most advanced foreign experience has always been particularly emphasized by the Federal Chamber of Notaries and representatives of public authorities responsible for interaction and control in the notary system. The article considers topical issues of adoption new information and telecommunication technologies in the sphere of modern Russian notary system and the prospects for its further development in connection with the development of the relevant legal framework.

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