Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The post-pyrogenic succession of the pine in Luzhsky and Putilovskay landscape areas of the Leningrad Region is considered. A comparative analysis of the success of the renewal of pine undergrowth in relation to the factors that manifest themselves in from the landscape conditions of the area is carried out. The study showed a significant difference in the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of pine undergrowth, depending on the landscape. The statistical processing carried out on the basis of the variance analysis of the obtained results revealed significant differences in the renewal of pine after the fire and in the maternal tree stand in the studied landscapes.

post-pyrogenic renewal of pine, landscape area, litter, height of deposit, correlation and dispersion analysis
The post-pyrogenic succession of the pine in Luzhsky and Putilovskay landscape areas of the Leningrad Region is considered. A comparative analysis of the success of the renewal of pine undergrowth in relation to the factors that manifest themselves in from the landscape conditions of the area is carried out. The study showed a significant difference in the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of pine undergrowth, depending on the landscape. The statistical processing carried out on the basis of the variance analysis of the obtained results revealed significant differences in the renewal of pine after the fire and in the maternal tree stand in the studied landscapes.

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