Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The aggravation of the international situation, attempts to infringe upon the geopolitical interests and sovereignty of Russia, opposition to Western sanctions - all this requires non-standard, unexpected approaches and solutions. It was the package of measures to save Russia, known as the reforms of Peter Stolypin. His government's system of strategic and tactical decisions had not only kept the country above the abyss, but had also allowed for transformation. Some of the proven methods and solutions of p. A. Stolypin continue to be relevant in our difficult conditions.

opposition to sanctions, national security, food security, price collusion, agricultural cooperation, consumer cooperation
The aggravation of the international situation, attempts to infringe upon the geopolitical interests and sovereignty of Russia, opposition to Western sanctions - all this requires non-standard, unexpected approaches and solutions. It was the package of measures to save Russia, known as the reforms of Peter Stolypin. His government's system of strategic and tactical decisions had not only kept the country above the abyss, but had also allowed for transformation. Some of the proven methods and solutions of p. A. Stolypin continue to be relevant in our difficult conditions.

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6. Smit A. Issledovaniya o prirode i prichinah bogatstva narodov. M., 1991.

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9. Stolypin P.A. Programmy reform. M., 2003.

10. Chuntulov V.T. Ekonomicheskaya istoriya SSSR, M.1987

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