Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This article discusses the experience of economic reforms in the last decades in the Russian Federation, as well as changes in the field of science and education. The economic indicators characterizing the crisis phenomena in the Soviet economy, which led to the necessity of radical market reforms. The periodization of economic reforms in Russia is carried out. Specify the reasons and the most important steps in implementing market reforms of the 1990s and the reforms of the 2000s, the economic results of the reforms of the 1990s and 2000s. Differences between the system of Soviet and Russian science are indicated. The problems of modern Russian science are described. The ways of increase of efficiency of the domestic research sector.

reforms, economy, taxes, Finance, property, crisis, science, innovation
This article discusses the experience of economic reforms in the last decades in the Russian Federation, as well as changes in the field of science and education. The economic indicators characterizing the crisis phenomena in the Soviet economy, which led to the necessity of radical market reforms. The periodization of economic reforms in Russia is carried out. Specify the reasons and the most important steps in implementing market reforms of the 1990s and the reforms of the 2000s, the economic results of the reforms of the 1990s and 2000s. Differences between the system of Soviet and Russian science are indicated. The problems of modern Russian science are described. The ways of increase of efficiency of the domestic research sector.

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