Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The implementation of land reform in the 1990s led to the creation of a special body of land administration at the all - Russian level-the state Committee of the RSFSR on land reform (the state Committee of the RSFSR), which carried out organizational, control, information and Advisory functions for the reform. The basis for the creation of this fundamentally new body of private management was the land management service of the Ministry of agriculture of the RSFSR and departments (departments) involved in land use issues in the administrative-territorial formations of different levels. Unitary enterprises and organizations for land management, cadastre and monitoring of lands, aerial geodesic surveys were also transferred to the new authority.

land reform, land administration, land policy, land legislation
The implementation of land reform in the 1990s led to the creation of a special body of land administration at the all - Russian level-the state Committee of the RSFSR on land reform (the state Committee of the RSFSR), which carried out organizational, control, information and Advisory functions for the reform. The basis for the creation of this fundamentally new body of private management was the land management service of the Ministry of agriculture of the RSFSR and departments (departments) involved in land use issues in the administrative-territorial formations of different levels. Unitary enterprises and organizations for land management, cadastre and monitoring of lands, aerial geodesic surveys were also transferred to the new authority.

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