Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Demographic growth will be the future basis of the economy. According to authors of this article achievement of this result lies not in the plane of expansion of system of social transfers and financing of the mechanism of health care, and in the sphere of creation of the effective mechanism of self-development of society. In these conditions improvement of regional systems of resettlement for disclosure and use of all advantage of the concrete territory becomes a priority. Russia is too various. The effective regional policy in concrete territorial subjects of the Russian Federation has to be the cornerstone of policy of economic growth.

management, economy, policy, demography
Demographic growth will be the future basis of the economy. According to authors of this article achievement of this result lies not in the plane of expansion of system of social transfers and financing of the mechanism of health care, and in the sphere of creation of the effective mechanism of self-development of society. In these conditions improvement of regional systems of resettlement for disclosure and use of all advantage of the concrete territory becomes a priority. Russia is too various. The effective regional policy in concrete territorial subjects of the Russian Federation has to be the cornerstone of policy of economic growth.

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