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Abstract (English):
Russia is incredibly rich in natural resources. The main problem today is the fact that in the presence of unused mineral resources, those that have already been fully or partially exhausted are not fully implemented in the process of reclamation. On the one hand, this is due to the reluctance of enterprises to spend additional funds on the process of restoration of disturbed lands. On the other hand, mining companies simply cannot calculate the cost-effectiveness of such activities. On properties for calculation of efficiency operation of technogenic deposits is closest to investment projects for the reason that the extracted minerals are subsequently realized and bring considerable profit. Economic justification of the importance of land reclamation and the potential for their reuse can help not only to attract new users for the development of mineral resources, but also to begin to develop a Federal program for the restoration of disturbed lands due to the operation of man-made deposits. The importance of remediation of technogenic deposits is explained by their strategic importance. Oil and gas reserves are not eternal, and the possibility of developing small and medium-sized sources of minerals can become not just an alternative for export abroad, but also strengthen the industry within the country.

"green economy", environmental management, man-made deposits, economic efficiency, reclamation of disturbed lands
Russia is incredibly rich in natural resources. The main problem today is the fact that in the presence of unused mineral resources, those that have already been fully or partially exhausted are not fully implemented in the process of reclamation. On the one hand, this is due to the reluctance of enterprises to spend additional funds on the process of restoration of disturbed lands. On the other hand, mining companies simply cannot calculate the cost-effectiveness of such activities. On properties for calculation of efficiency operation of technogenic deposits is closest to investment projects for the reason that the extracted minerals are subsequently realized and bring considerable profit. Economic justification of the importance of land reclamation and the potential for their reuse can help not only to attract new users for the development of mineral resources, but also to begin to develop a Federal program for the restoration of disturbed lands due to the operation of man-made deposits. The importance of remediation of technogenic deposits is explained by their strategic importance. Oil and gas reserves are not eternal, and the possibility of developing small and medium-sized sources of minerals can become not just an alternative for export abroad, but also strengthen the industry within the country.

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