Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article deals with the actual problem of energy saving in the construction of facade systems in the process of renovation of residential buildings. A variety of energy-saving technologies through insulation of the facade and wall cladding structures are an important but costly direction in the renovation and overhaul of the housing stock in compliance with the law of the Russian Federation "on energy saving". However, the existing recommendations do not fully reveal the issues of organizational and technological nature and contain only General approaches to the production of works.

ventilated facade, housing, building, energy efficiency, rationality of choice, renovation
The article deals with the actual problem of energy saving in the construction of facade systems in the process of renovation of residential buildings. A variety of energy-saving technologies through insulation of the facade and wall cladding structures are an important but costly direction in the renovation and overhaul of the housing stock in compliance with the law of the Russian Federation "on energy saving". However, the existing recommendations do not fully reveal the issues of organizational and technological nature and contain only General approaches to the production of works.

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