Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article considers the problems of the influence of Russian legislation on ensuring sustainable operation of agricultural consumer cooperatives. Credit agricultural consumer cooperatives, as a special form, are not the subject of study in this paper. An analysis of the impact of the provisions of the law on the effectiveness of agricultural consumer cooperatives is accompanied by specific proposals for changing the wording and explaining the expected consequences of their adoption. The article refers to the author's earlier publications, including those published by other scientists in co-authorship. The proposals can serve as a basis for amending the federal legislation, and also be used in the development of regional laws and internal regulations governing the activities of agricultural consumer cooperatives, especially for cooperatives on the sharing of equipment.

Legislation on cooperation, agricultural consumer cooperatives, subsidiary responsibility of members of the cooperative, share capital, profit of the cooperative, associate members of the cooperative
The article considers the problems of the influence of Russian legislation on ensuring sustainable operation of agricultural consumer cooperatives. Credit agricultural consumer cooperatives, as a special form, are not the subject of study in this paper. An analysis of the impact of the provisions of the law on the effectiveness of agricultural consumer cooperatives is accompanied by specific proposals for changing the wording and explaining the expected consequences of their adoption. The article refers to the author's earlier publications, including those published by other scientists in co-authorship. The proposals can serve as a basis for amending the federal legislation, and also be used in the development of regional laws and internal regulations governing the activities of agricultural consumer cooperatives, especially for cooperatives on the sharing of equipment.

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5. Petrov E.B., Skomorohov S.N. «Rekomendacii po sozdaniyu i razvitiyu kooperativov». Uchebno-metodicheskoe posobie. FGBOU FPOS Rossiyskaya akademiya kadrovogo obespecheniya APK, 2011, 74 str.

6. Skomorohov S.N., Petrov E.B, Antonova M.P. «Sekrety uspeshnogo kooperativa, 2-e izdanie». Dashkov i Ko, 2016, 136s.

7. Reshenie zadach potrebitel'skogo kooperativa cherez uchrezhdenie im kommercheskoy organizacii ili uchastie v kapitale kommercheskoy organizacii. Moskovskiy ekonomicheskiy zhurnal 2/2017.

8. Mery podderzhki sel'skohozyaystvennoy kooperacii, realizuemye AO «Korporaciya «MSP» Prezentaciya na rabochem soveschanii v Kaluge 25.04.2018

9. Genossenschaftsgesetz in der Fassung der Bekanntmachung vom 16. Oktober 2006 (BGBl. I S. 2230), das zuletzt durch Artikel 17 des Gesetzes vom 24. April 2015 (BGBl. I S. 642) geändert worden ist

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