Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article investigates the features and problems of the functioning of the sugar beet subcomplex of the Russian Federation. The main indicators of the activities of agricultural organizations and food industry enterprises in the production of sugar beet and sugar over the past few years are analyzed in the article. The main structural problems and tendencies of interaction between the stakeholders of the sugar beet subcomplex have been identified, and directions for the subcomplex development have been proposed in the short term.

sugar beet subcomplex, balance, sugar producers, interaction, structural problems
The article investigates the features and problems of the functioning of the sugar beet subcomplex of the Russian Federation. The main indicators of the activities of agricultural organizations and food industry enterprises in the production of sugar beet and sugar over the past few years are analyzed in the article. The main structural problems and tendencies of interaction between the stakeholders of the sugar beet subcomplex have been identified, and directions for the subcomplex development have been proposed in the short term.

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