Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article examines the prospects for cooperation between Russia, China and Mongolia in the current conditions of intensification of Eurasian interaction. On the basis of the analysis of the dynamics of interaction between the two countries, the tendencies of strengthening cooperation in various fields, coordinating development strategies based on the common interest of the Russian Federation, China and Mongolia in the search for new points of growth of national economies and the intention to strengthen political interaction and trade and economic cooperation are revealed. The development of cooperation in modern conditions requires new forms of interaction, such as the program "Economic Corridor China-Mongolia-Russia", which meets the national interests of the three parties, since it implies the interface of the strategic development initiatives of the countries.

economic corridor China-Mongolia-Russia, cooperation, Eurasian interaction, development of transport infrastructure
The article examines the prospects for cooperation between Russia, China and Mongolia in the current conditions of intensification of Eurasian interaction. On the basis of the analysis of the dynamics of interaction between the two countries, the tendencies of strengthening cooperation in various fields, coordinating development strategies based on the common interest of the Russian Federation, China and Mongolia in the search for new points of growth of national economies and the intention to strengthen political interaction and trade and economic cooperation are revealed. The development of cooperation in modern conditions requires new forms of interaction, such as the program "Economic Corridor China-Mongolia-Russia", which meets the national interests of the three parties, since it implies the interface of the strategic development initiatives of the countries.

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