Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The inclusion of high-protein feed additives in the form of cake and meal obtained from the processing of oilseeds (sunflower, soybean, rapeseed) in the diets of livestock and poultry will contribute to the growth of productivity of all sub-sectors of animal husbandry and improve the quality of products. In recent years resources of rapeseed oil, meal and cake have increased what allowed to ramp up the export of rapeseed meal and cake. However, with the restoration of domestic livestock increased the need for rapeseed meal in the country.

oilseeds, sunflower, soybean, rapeseed, feed protein, feed, animal feed base, meal, meal, import, export, feed cost
The inclusion of high-protein feed additives in the form of cake and meal obtained from the processing of oilseeds (sunflower, soybean, rapeseed) in the diets of livestock and poultry will contribute to the growth of productivity of all sub-sectors of animal husbandry and improve the quality of products. In recent years resources of rapeseed oil, meal and cake have increased what allowed to ramp up the export of rapeseed meal and cake. However, with the restoration of domestic livestock increased the need for rapeseed meal in the country.

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4. Bazy Goskomstata za sootvetstvuyuschie gody

5. Baza dannyh Federal'noy tamozhennoy sluzhby (FTS) za sootvetstvuyuschie gody

6. Baza dannyh International Trade Centre za sootvetstvuyuschie gody

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