Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article analyzes the compliance of the All-Russian Agricultural Census of 2016 with the recommendations of the FAO World Programe for the Census of Agriculture 2020 concerning included themes, significant items, certain international standards. It was revealed that main FAO recommended themes are presented in the All-Russian Agricultural Census of 2016. Most of the themes that were not presented were recommended by FAO under the expanded programe of Agricultural Censuses. The collection of the minimum necessary set of essential items in the All-Russian Agricultural Census of 2016 is most fully implemented for agricultural organizations, commercial peasant farms and individual entrepreneurs. For the next census, it is recommended to include the theme of food safety of households, provide for a Census of aquaculture farms, clarify the composition of indicators characterizing labor resources and bring the land use classification in line with adopted international standards.

All-Russian Agricultural Census, FAO World Programe for the Census of Agriculture2020
The article analyzes the compliance of the All-Russian Agricultural Census of 2016 with the recommendations of the FAO World Programe for the Census of Agriculture 2020 concerning included themes, significant items, certain international standards. It was revealed that main FAO recommended themes are presented in the All-Russian Agricultural Census of 2016. Most of the themes that were not presented were recommended by FAO under the expanded programe of Agricultural Censuses. The collection of the minimum necessary set of essential items in the All-Russian Agricultural Census of 2016 is most fully implemented for agricultural organizations, commercial peasant farms and individual entrepreneurs. For the next census, it is recommended to include the theme of food safety of households, provide for a Census of aquaculture farms, clarify the composition of indicators characterizing labor resources and bring the land use classification in line with adopted international standards.

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