Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The research of problems of survival of separate elements of regional spatial and economic systems assumes expansion of the existing theorist - conceptual approaches and also development of new scientific categories and instruments of knowledge and an explanation of the separate phenomena and processes from phenomenological positions. Peripheral territories belong to problem to the elements of economic space of regions which are constantly needing "feed" from the center. At the same time "survivability" of the periphery despite action of negative destructive factors and externalities attracts attention. It allows to make a hypothesis of existence of some kind of "immunity of the periphery" which doesn't allow her to lose the social and economic resilience. In this regard the author from phenomenological positions has developed an institution "immunity of peripheral territories", her specific characteristics and properties are selected.

peripheral territories, regional economy, immunity of the territory, immune status of the periphery
The research of problems of survival of separate elements of regional spatial and economic systems assumes expansion of the existing theorist - conceptual approaches and also development of new scientific categories and instruments of knowledge and an explanation of the separate phenomena and processes from phenomenological positions. Peripheral territories belong to problem to the elements of economic space of regions which are constantly needing "feed" from the center. At the same time "survivability" of the periphery despite action of negative destructive factors and externalities attracts attention. It allows to make a hypothesis of existence of some kind of "immunity of the periphery" which doesn't allow her to lose the social and economic resilience. In this regard the author from phenomenological positions has developed an institution "immunity of peripheral territories", her specific characteristics and properties are selected.

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