Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Now the modern Russian youth lives in the world difficult on the content and tendencies of development. Sharply the character, speed and a rhythm of the social and economic transformations imposing strict requirements to the growing people change. In article the principles focusing education on development socially active, educated are characterized it is moral also physically healthy personality in the changing circumstances of activity of society. "The strategy of development of education in the Russian Federation until 2025" and the "Fundamentals of the state youth policy of the Russian Federation until 2025" directed to education of youth in the context of cultural and highly moral development of the personality are considered.

principles of education, student's youth, welfare education, concepts of modern education, education humanitarization, state youth policy
Now the modern Russian youth lives in the world difficult on the content and tendencies of development. Sharply the character, speed and a rhythm of the social and economic transformations imposing strict requirements to the growing people change. In article the principles focusing education on development socially active, educated are characterized it is moral also physically healthy personality in the changing circumstances of activity of society. "The strategy of development of education in the Russian Federation until 2025" and the "Fundamentals of the state youth policy of the Russian Federation until 2025" directed to education of youth in the context of cultural and highly moral development of the personality are considered.

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