Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article contains the results of author's research devoted to the issues of formation of the information society and the development of the digital economy in the Russian Federation, as well as information management of the agro-industrial complex. The characteristics of the position of the Russian Federation in the global ratings of the development of the digital economy is shown. The necessity of intensification of the agro-industrial complex informatization in general and management of the agroindustrial complex in particular is presented. Methodological approaches are proposed to the formation of the agro-industrial complex economy information sphere taking into account the latest achievements in the field of information technologies and priority tasks set by the Government of the Russian Federation.

economy information sphere, informatization, information space, management information support, AIC informatization
The article contains the results of author's research devoted to the issues of formation of the information society and the development of the digital economy in the Russian Federation, as well as information management of the agro-industrial complex. The characteristics of the position of the Russian Federation in the global ratings of the development of the digital economy is shown. The necessity of intensification of the agro-industrial complex informatization in general and management of the agroindustrial complex in particular is presented. Methodological approaches are proposed to the formation of the agro-industrial complex economy information sphere taking into account the latest achievements in the field of information technologies and priority tasks set by the Government of the Russian Federation.

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