Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article deals with the problems of legal regulation of the turnover of land plots of peasant (farm) farms, the author defines the organizational and legal forms of peasant (farm) farms and on the basis of the current land legislation identifies significant problems associated with the turnover of land plots of peasant (farm) farms. The paper analyzes court cases and legal incidents, revealed contradictions in the application and implementation of the current land legislation.

peasant (farm) farms, agricultural land turnover, land use, Ural Federal district
The article deals with the problems of legal regulation of the turnover of land plots of peasant (farm) farms, the author defines the organizational and legal forms of peasant (farm) farms and on the basis of the current land legislation identifies significant problems associated with the turnover of land plots of peasant (farm) farms. The paper analyzes court cases and legal incidents, revealed contradictions in the application and implementation of the current land legislation.

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