Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Agriculture is a priority sector of the Russian economy, as it allows to ensure food security of the country. The main competitive advantages of agriculture are natural resources, qualification of personnel, the level of technology and quality of agricultural production, material and financial resources, the availability of state support. The complex of demographic factors, despite all the efforts of the authorities, initially led to the unfavorable dynamics of the age structure of the labor force. This article analyzes the socio-economic status of rural areas of the Sverdlovsk region and training for agriculture.

rural areas, sustainable socio-economic development, provision of agriculture with qualified personnel, agricultural specialties
Agriculture is a priority sector of the Russian economy, as it allows to ensure food security of the country. The main competitive advantages of agriculture are natural resources, qualification of personnel, the level of technology and quality of agricultural production, material and financial resources, the availability of state support. The complex of demographic factors, despite all the efforts of the authorities, initially led to the unfavorable dynamics of the age structure of the labor force. This article analyzes the socio-economic status of rural areas of the Sverdlovsk region and training for agriculture.

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