Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In article modern aspects of optimization of expenses on work in the commercial enterprise are considered. The modern companies face an identical problem - optimization of expenses on compensation of personnel. At the same time the political and economic instability increases risks of further development of firms therefore need of cut in expenditure generates a set of not right decisions. According to authors, as the most optimum way the solution of this problem is offered to use the system of rationing of work. The overall performance on the organization of rationing of work on the enterprises depends on professional standard of the workers occupied in the field of an organization and rationing of work. Also authors consider a new methods of "painless dismissal" - an outplacement - the practical help to the candidate in search of the new place of work.

optimization of expenses, compensation, rationing, personnel, firm, outplacement, outsourcing
In article modern aspects of optimization of expenses on work in the commercial enterprise are considered. The modern companies face an identical problem - optimization of expenses on compensation of personnel. At the same time the political and economic instability increases risks of further development of firms therefore need of cut in expenditure generates a set of not right decisions. According to authors, as the most optimum way the solution of this problem is offered to use the system of rationing of work. The overall performance on the organization of rationing of work on the enterprises depends on professional standard of the workers occupied in the field of an organization and rationing of work. Also authors consider a new methods of "painless dismissal" - an outplacement - the practical help to the candidate in search of the new place of work.

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