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Abstract (English):
Particularities of personnel management are presented In article in design management in intellectual and creative organization in modern conditions, characterized by rising business risks. It Is Considered role of the personnel and commands of the project, in particular, as base of the shaping competitive advantage. Substantiates the effect of business risk on the decision-making process and team work. Some particularities of the shaping the command stand out Within the framework of themes of the article and choice of the leader in design management intellectual and creative organization, stand out the specific risks of personnel management.

personnel management, management project, intellectual and creative organizations, competitive advantage, command of the project, project manager, business risks, risks of personnel management, interaction in command
Particularities of personnel management are presented In article in design management in intellectual and creative organization in modern conditions, characterized by rising business risks. It Is Considered role of the personnel and commands of the project, in particular, as base of the shaping competitive advantage. Substantiates the effect of business risk on the decision-making process and team work. Some particularities of the shaping the command stand out Within the framework of themes of the article and choice of the leader in design management intellectual and creative organization, stand out the specific risks of personnel management.

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