Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article reveals the reasons why part of the agricultural land is out of circulation, goes into a state of unused farmland and unclaimed land shares. It is proved that along with the reasons of natural character, qualitative characteristics of soils, location, etc., important and determining are the socio-economic conditions of the territories where unused land is located. The dependence is proved and the degree of influence of socio-economic potential of municipalities on the intensity of agricultural land use is determined. The concept of the territory potential is given, the technique of its definition is revealed. Forecasting the socio-economic potential of municipalities, management of this potential will allow giving a reasonable forecast of the use of agricultural land in the municipal area.

rational use, intensity, socio-economic potential, valuation, agricultural land
The article reveals the reasons why part of the agricultural land is out of circulation, goes into a state of unused farmland and unclaimed land shares. It is proved that along with the reasons of natural character, qualitative characteristics of soils, location, etc., important and determining are the socio-economic conditions of the territories where unused land is located. The dependence is proved and the degree of influence of socio-economic potential of municipalities on the intensity of agricultural land use is determined. The concept of the territory potential is given, the technique of its definition is revealed. Forecasting the socio-economic potential of municipalities, management of this potential will allow giving a reasonable forecast of the use of agricultural land in the municipal area.

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