Russian Federation
The level of self-sufficiency in milk and dairy products is the only indicator of the food security Doctrine that has not yet been achieved in 2018. Smolensk region in recent years has faced the problem of achieving the main indicators of the Doctrine of food security. The problem area is dairy farming. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, of course, the industry was in decline, the decline in production was observed in all sectors of agriculture. A new economic round of agricultural development occurred in the early 2000s, when the impetus for the development of agriculture through state support and grants was given. It was grants and subsidies that influenced the further development strategy of agriculture in Russia. In fact, the state has called for the revival of agriculture - with some of its own funds and a larger share of the state's funds. Support has earned, the economy gradually increased sales and the amount of milk produced, the number of livestock has gradually increased. But there was a common problem for all farms-the fall in the productivity of dairy herds, milk yield decreased every year more and more. The situation was corrected by introducing additional conditions for subsidizing - increasing the amount of milk produced per year by a certain percentage, different for each region. But one thing grants under actual production, and another thing - subsidies under the fictitious figures of animal, when there is actual forgery of the annual accounts. The article considers the development of regional dairy cattle breeding, determines its place in the food balance sheet of the region and the economy of agricultural organizations. The causes of the fall in the total number of cows are analyzed, the real state of Affairs in the industry is estimated, as well as the forecast of the livestock industry development in connection with the introduction of mandatory identification and registration of animals is given.
food security, food security, dairy continent, milk, efficiency, profitability
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