Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Information and communication technologies are transformed from the infrastructure factor into the factor of system formation and flexible restructuring of the production system. The impact of the development of information and communication potential becomes integrated. In this regard, the article is devoted to the issues of disclosure of the essence of the high-tech organization, the definition of the main directions of its integrated impact on the formation of a favorable and competitive internal environment. "Online or digital monitoring" is considered as a basic element of the information and communication system.

information and communication potential, competitivesustainability, high-tech organization, online monitoring, the components of the aggregate, the capacity of the organization
Information and communication technologies are transformed from the infrastructure factor into the factor of system formation and flexible restructuring of the production system. The impact of the development of information and communication potential becomes integrated. In this regard, the article is devoted to the issues of disclosure of the essence of the high-tech organization, the definition of the main directions of its integrated impact on the formation of a favorable and competitive internal environment. "Online or digital monitoring" is considered as a basic element of the information and communication system.

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