Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article describes the parameters of grinding and their role in determining the paper-forming properties of cellulose. The author concludes that the main operational factor in the grinding of paper pulp is the frequency of rotation of a rotor of grinding equipment, it allows you to control the considered process, in this case, the rotational speed of the rotor plays an important role in the evaluation of the characteristics of refining pulp of softwood. Carrying out economical grinding can be carried out in two ways: if there are high speed and minimum time or low speed and high duration. The best mode is selected based on the properties of the output paper.

grinding, cellulose, grinding equipment, rotor speed
The article describes the parameters of grinding and their role in determining the paper-forming properties of cellulose. The author concludes that the main operational factor in the grinding of paper pulp is the frequency of rotation of a rotor of grinding equipment, it allows you to control the considered process, in this case, the rotational speed of the rotor plays an important role in the evaluation of the characteristics of refining pulp of softwood. Carrying out economical grinding can be carried out in two ways: if there are high speed and minimum time or low speed and high duration. The best mode is selected based on the properties of the output paper.

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