Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
During the period of digitalization of the economy and education, the volume of supply and demand for educational services is constantly growing and education is becoming a promising area of the domestic economy. In the conditions of constant increased competition between educational institutions, it is impossible to do without marketing educational services. The article substantiates the need to use integrated marketing communications in the promotion of a higher educational institution. The issues of promotion of higher educational institutions are considered, the indicators of the promotion of universities in the social network VKontakte are analyzed. Based on the results of the study, recommendations for the promotion of universities in social networks were formulated.

marketing, internet marketing, marketing communications, university promotion, social networks
During the period of digitalization of the economy and education, the volume of supply and demand for educational services is constantly growing and education is becoming a promising area of the domestic economy. In the conditions of constant increased competition between educational institutions, it is impossible to do without marketing educational services. The article substantiates the need to use integrated marketing communications in the promotion of a higher educational institution. The issues of promotion of higher educational institutions are considered, the indicators of the promotion of universities in the social network VKontakte are analyzed. Based on the results of the study, recommendations for the promotion of universities in social networks were formulated.

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