Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Robotization of agriculture should be carried out taking into account various factors - technical, technological, organizational and social, characterizing the relevant processes of agricultural production. The fact is that agricultural organizations operate in completely different conditions. The technique of a versatile assessment of expediency of robotization of production of the agricultural organizations is offered. It is assumed that the first stage is to determine the most significant factors affecting the introduction and use of robotics. The experts then assess the significance of each of these factors. Pre-selection is completed by determining preferences for the use of a robotics in the workplace. The method of determining the feasibility of using robotics tested in agricultural organizations. Its use allows to increase the validity of decisions on robotization of agricultural organizations.

robotization of agriculture, agricultural robotics, the feasibility of robotics
Robotization of agriculture should be carried out taking into account various factors - technical, technological, organizational and social, characterizing the relevant processes of agricultural production. The fact is that agricultural organizations operate in completely different conditions. The technique of a versatile assessment of expediency of robotization of production of the agricultural organizations is offered. It is assumed that the first stage is to determine the most significant factors affecting the introduction and use of robotics. The experts then assess the significance of each of these factors. Pre-selection is completed by determining preferences for the use of a robotics in the workplace. The method of determining the feasibility of using robotics tested in agricultural organizations. Its use allows to increase the validity of decisions on robotization of agricultural organizations.

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