Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Work is devoted to a role creditno-savings cooperatives in the Ulyanovsk region, a possibility of functioning of small farms in the agrarian sector in the conditions of restriction of volumes of the state support of the agricultural organizations. A research objective is justification of introduction of savings and credit cooperation in the region in connection with limitation of credit resources. The main methods of the analysis is the dynamic analysis and a method of comparison. As a result of the analysis of small farms conclusions that small farms in the future have to keep the positions are drawn and in the long term gain all-round development. If earlier they acted only as means increase in appeal of the agrarian sector due to investments into their activity, then further they can become the main investor in savings and credit cooperation in the region.

small farms, agricultural consumer cooperatives, microfinancial organizations
Work is devoted to a role creditno-savings cooperatives in the Ulyanovsk region, a possibility of functioning of small farms in the agrarian sector in the conditions of restriction of volumes of the state support of the agricultural organizations. A research objective is justification of introduction of savings and credit cooperation in the region in connection with limitation of credit resources. The main methods of the analysis is the dynamic analysis and a method of comparison. As a result of the analysis of small farms conclusions that small farms in the future have to keep the positions are drawn and in the long term gain all-round development. If earlier they acted only as means increase in appeal of the agrarian sector due to investments into their activity, then further they can become the main investor in savings and credit cooperation in the region.

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