Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to the actual today the problem of degradation of agricultural land, outlines the main objectives - the organization of rational use and protection of land, the creation of a favorable ecological environment and the implementation of land legislation, as well as the process of negative human impact on soil fertility. The current environmental situation in agricultural land use makes urgent the problem of rational use of polluted land. The leading role in its solution belongs to land management, for whose purposes materials of environmental assessment of the territory and analysis of factors of anthropogenic impact on the environment are currently widely used.

agriculture, agricultural land, land management, environmental pollution
The article is devoted to the actual today the problem of degradation of agricultural land, outlines the main objectives - the organization of rational use and protection of land, the creation of a favorable ecological environment and the implementation of land legislation, as well as the process of negative human impact on soil fertility. The current environmental situation in agricultural land use makes urgent the problem of rational use of polluted land. The leading role in its solution belongs to land management, for whose purposes materials of environmental assessment of the territory and analysis of factors of anthropogenic impact on the environment are currently widely used.

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