Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article discusses the main strategic landmarks of digital agriculture. The approaches to the formation of a digital platform are studied on the example of the agrarian sector of the economy. The reasons for the slowing down of the digital transformation were identified, the specifics of using information resources were clarified. Creating a digital platform will improve the efficiency of the management of the agro-industrial complex. But, unfortunately, these processes are underdeveloped. A key trend in innovation development is the management of digital transformation processes based on the type-design practice and integration of information resources and software using Internet technologies.

digital agriculture, integration of information resources and systems, information Internet space, service systems
The article discusses the main strategic landmarks of digital agriculture. The approaches to the formation of a digital platform are studied on the example of the agrarian sector of the economy. The reasons for the slowing down of the digital transformation were identified, the specifics of using information resources were clarified. Creating a digital platform will improve the efficiency of the management of the agro-industrial complex. But, unfortunately, these processes are underdeveloped. A key trend in innovation development is the management of digital transformation processes based on the type-design practice and integration of information resources and software using Internet technologies.

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