Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article discusses the dynamics of investment in fixed assets of agricultural organizations of the Smolensk region, as well as the structure of investments by sources of financing. An assessment is given of the possibility of attracting own and borrowed sources of investment in the current conditions. The necessity of creating conditions for the development of investment processes in the agricultural sector and attracting investors' funds for the reproduction of elements of the resource potential of agricultural organizations is substantiated. It is proposed to use economic-mathematical modeling as a tool for evaluating and describing the directions and conditions for the effectiveness of investments. Building models of optimization of the production system will determine the capacity of agricultural enterprises to produce products and make a profit, based on the actual availability of resources and the amount of funds raised.

investments, own funds, borrowed funds, resource potential, efficiency, agriculture
The article discusses the dynamics of investment in fixed assets of agricultural organizations of the Smolensk region, as well as the structure of investments by sources of financing. An assessment is given of the possibility of attracting own and borrowed sources of investment in the current conditions. The necessity of creating conditions for the development of investment processes in the agricultural sector and attracting investors' funds for the reproduction of elements of the resource potential of agricultural organizations is substantiated. It is proposed to use economic-mathematical modeling as a tool for evaluating and describing the directions and conditions for the effectiveness of investments. Building models of optimization of the production system will determine the capacity of agricultural enterprises to produce products and make a profit, based on the actual availability of resources and the amount of funds raised.

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