Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In article questions the concerning roles of the food sector in ensuring food security of the Rostov region and also the main tendencies of development of this sector of economy are considered. Special attention is paid to an agroprymyshenny complex as one of components of the food market of the Rostov region. Dynamics of a share of agriculture in structure of VRP of the region is defined. The analysis of dynamics of development of agriculture and some types of productions in the food market of the Rostov region is carried out.

food security, food sector, Rostov region, agriculture, agro-industrial complex, gross regional product, agricultural production, crop production, livestock production
In article questions the concerning roles of the food sector in ensuring food security of the Rostov region and also the main tendencies of development of this sector of economy are considered. Special attention is paid to an agroprymyshenny complex as one of components of the food market of the Rostov region. Dynamics of a share of agriculture in structure of VRP of the region is defined. The analysis of dynamics of development of agriculture and some types of productions in the food market of the Rostov region is carried out.

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