Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The aim of the research was to study real requirements of scientists and specialists of the Agro-Industrial Complex in Russia of the electronic information resources of the CSAL. The main categories of users of the electronic information resources of the CSAL were determined and their information requirements were studied; the dynamics of their retrievals in resources were revealed and analyzed, priority directions in organizing and using the electronic information resources of the CSAL were identified. An investigation based on 12000000 retrievals in the electronic information resources of the CSAL in the period of 2015-2017 was carried out by monitoring. The information was collected and aggregated by means of the analytical system Yandex Metrika. The attendance ratio was defined as the main indicator of measuring the use of internet resource. The priority group of users of the electronic information resources of the CSAL was revealed - remote users (as to DB AELK - 99.8%, as to DB ESAL - about 97.5%). The resources of the DB “Agricultural electronic library of knowledge” (about 12000000 retrievals) are most eagerly sought, a tendency towards reducing the attendance ratio (9%) is observed. The resources of veterinary medicine (24.9%), agricultural biology (17.5%), animal husbandry (11.6%) and plant production (10.8%) are most popular. A great number of thematic sections is characterized by a sporadic demand (section Plant Production in 2015 - 13.3%, in 2016 - 10.1%, in 2017 - 9.3%). The highest attendance ratio is in the section Veterinary Medicine (24.9%). The tendency towards increasing the demand is observed only in two sections: Agricultural Biology (by 3.5%) and General Issues of Agriculture (by 1.5%). The electronic documents: Chemical Encyclopedia (2015 - 13.0%, 2016- 12.9%, 2017 - 16.4%); Veterinary Encyclopedic Dictionary (11.5% - 12.3% - 13.3%, respectively) cause outstanding interest of users. A conclusion is made that the obtained statistic data allow estimating the creation of electronic information resources on problematics of the Agro-Industrial Complex as a priority direction of providing information demands of the users of the FSBSI “Central Scientific Agricultural Library” (CSAL).

CSAL, library stock, bibliometric analysis, monitoring, web-metrics, scientific research, user, library web-site, information requirements, electronic information resources, electronic libraries, electronic catalogs, databases
The aim of the research was to study real requirements of scientists and specialists of the Agro-Industrial Complex in Russia of the electronic information resources of the CSAL. The main categories of users of the electronic information resources of the CSAL were determined and their information requirements were studied; the dynamics of their retrievals in resources were revealed and analyzed, priority directions in organizing and using the electronic information resources of the CSAL were identified. An investigation based on 12000000 retrievals in the electronic information resources of the CSAL in the period of 2015-2017 was carried out by monitoring. The information was collected and aggregated by means of the analytical system Yandex Metrika. The attendance ratio was defined as the main indicator of measuring the use of internet resource. The priority group of users of the electronic information resources of the CSAL was revealed - remote users (as to DB AELK - 99.8%, as to DB ESAL - about 97.5%). The resources of the DB “Agricultural electronic library of knowledge” (about 12000000 retrievals) are most eagerly sought, a tendency towards reducing the attendance ratio (9%) is observed. The resources of veterinary medicine (24.9%), agricultural biology (17.5%), animal husbandry (11.6%) and plant production (10.8%) are most popular. A great number of thematic sections is characterized by a sporadic demand (section Plant Production in 2015 - 13.3%, in 2016 - 10.1%, in 2017 - 9.3%). The highest attendance ratio is in the section Veterinary Medicine (24.9%). The tendency towards increasing the demand is observed only in two sections: Agricultural Biology (by 3.5%) and General Issues of Agriculture (by 1.5%). The electronic documents: Chemical Encyclopedia (2015 - 13.0%, 2016- 12.9%, 2017 - 16.4%); Veterinary Encyclopedic Dictionary (11.5% - 12.3% - 13.3%, respectively) cause outstanding interest of users. A conclusion is made that the obtained statistic data allow estimating the creation of electronic information resources on problematics of the Agro-Industrial Complex as a priority direction of providing information demands of the users of the FSBSI “Central Scientific Agricultural Library” (CSAL).

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