Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This article discusses value of Customer Relationship Management System as customer-oriented concept of business, relevance of her introduction for the purpose of standardization of work of employees with clients and automation of the operations demanded for this purpose. Functionality of CRM systems as in general for the company and for her separate business processes which efficiency directly depends on successful communication with clients is presented. On the basis of positive influence of CRM on activity of the organization in the conditions of the modern market the list of opportunities of total control of carrying out the transaction with the client on which loyalty success of any company depends has also been submitted.

CRM-System, client, company, introduction, management, interaction functionality
This article discusses value of Customer Relationship Management System as customer-oriented concept of business, relevance of her introduction for the purpose of standardization of work of employees with clients and automation of the operations demanded for this purpose. Functionality of CRM systems as in general for the company and for her separate business processes which efficiency directly depends on successful communication with clients is presented. On the basis of positive influence of CRM on activity of the organization in the conditions of the modern market the list of opportunities of total control of carrying out the transaction with the client on which loyalty success of any company depends has also been submitted.

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