Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Throughout the article the authors offer a new category - “parsimonious telemedicine” implying the integration of telemedicine technologies and information systems into a common information database, which might provide for a synergetic effect and aid to growth of saving of the working time of medical staff. The introduction of the Japanese concept of the parsimonious production into the area of healthcare of the Russian Federation is realized in current conditions within the framework of the project “parsimonious clinic”. However, this project does not imply any integration of the information systems and telemedical technologies into the activity of medical units. The integration of the project “Parsimonious clinic” with the elements of the offered category of “parsimonious telemedicine” should aid to decrease in losses and to increase of effectiveness of affordability of the medical services.

digital technologies, parsimonious production, healthcare, telemedicine, parsimonious clinic, parsimonious telemedicine
Throughout the article the authors offer a new category - “parsimonious telemedicine” implying the integration of telemedicine technologies and information systems into a common information database, which might provide for a synergetic effect and aid to growth of saving of the working time of medical staff. The introduction of the Japanese concept of the parsimonious production into the area of healthcare of the Russian Federation is realized in current conditions within the framework of the project “parsimonious clinic”. However, this project does not imply any integration of the information systems and telemedical technologies into the activity of medical units. The integration of the project “Parsimonious clinic” with the elements of the offered category of “parsimonious telemedicine” should aid to decrease in losses and to increase of effectiveness of affordability of the medical services.

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