Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
For effective work of contractual system the single organizational structure and an information system which provides forming, handling, storage and provision of data on all stages of ensuring the state and municipal needs and implementation of purchases is created. Implementation of the Law No. 44-FZ was relevant at a stage of functioning of system of public procurements. However adoption of this document shan't be considered as completion of process of reforming of this sphere. In the law there was a number of shortcomings of the existing legislation, elimination them is an obligatory factor for creation of a perfect management system purchases.

adoptions of regulating documents, public authorities, customers, federal state needs, contractual system in the sphere of purchases, creations of contractual system
For effective work of contractual system the single organizational structure and an information system which provides forming, handling, storage and provision of data on all stages of ensuring the state and municipal needs and implementation of purchases is created. Implementation of the Law No. 44-FZ was relevant at a stage of functioning of system of public procurements. However adoption of this document shan't be considered as completion of process of reforming of this sphere. In the law there was a number of shortcomings of the existing legislation, elimination them is an obligatory factor for creation of a perfect management system purchases.

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