Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The data on the assessment of the environmental impact of the construction of a high-pressure conduit on the environment in the location area of the construction site in the territory of the Udmurtneft OAO Chutyrskoye field are given. In order to reduce the negative impact of construction production on the environment, a set of measures has been developed for the protection of atmospheric air, hydrosphere and land resources.

construction, water supply, environment, pollution
The data on the assessment of the environmental impact of the construction of a high-pressure conduit on the environment in the location area of the construction site in the territory of the Udmurtneft OAO Chutyrskoye field are given. In order to reduce the negative impact of construction production on the environment, a set of measures has been developed for the protection of atmospheric air, hydrosphere and land resources.

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2. SanPiN Sanitarno-epidemiologicheskie trebovaniya k kachestvu pochvy.

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