Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Geographical industry is a sphere of activity on Earth based on the interconnection of natural processes and phenomena. The geographical industry is implemented in technologies and projects tested and verified in the zonal spectrum of landscapes on the examples of different types of nature use: urban settlements, specially protected natural areas, natural basins, industrial regions, radioactive waste disposal, the impact of oil spills.
geographical industry, life strategies of the population, geoecological safety, bioindication, biogeochimie and rehabilitation of the land biogeocenosis barrier
1. Geoekologicheskiy standart //
2. Markelov D.A. Ocenka opasnosti ochagovogo raspolozheniya nesankcionirovannyh svalok na osnove cifrovogo modelirovaniya rel'efa kak element geoekologicheskogo standarta territorii (na primere goroda Moskvy) / Geoekologicheskie problemy sovremennosti: Doklady 3-oy Mezhdunarodnoy konferencii, Vladimir.- 23-25 sentyabrya 2010 g.- C. 371-373 [Markelov D.A., Markelov A.V., Mineeva N.Ya., Koshkarev A.V.,. Lihacheva E.A, Polynova O.E., Grigor'eva M.A., Akol'zin A.P., Buhgalter L.B.]