Russian Federation
Coal is one of the main energy sources in the world: it accounts for about 40% of the world's fuel and energy balance. In many respects this is due to its relatively inexpensive price - coal is several times cheaper than other sources of energy, the difference in price can be 10 times if we compare the cost of coal and renewable energy sources. Despite the decline in coal purchases by European countries, population growth in the developing countries of the Asia-Pacific region will contribute to a further increase in consumption of coal, cheap and affordable energy source. The existing resource potential of Russia is more than 1 trillion tons of coal. At the current production level, these reserves will last 500 years. According to the Federal Agency for Subsoil Management, at present more than 600 licenses for the right to use coal deposits have been issued in Russia. A review of key projected indicators for the production of primary fuel and energy resources in the medium term makes it possible to predict the growth of coal production in Russia, as well as an increase in its export supplies.
coal, coal industry, economic development, world coal market, development forecast
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