Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
For Russia, the relevance of the problem under consideration is also explained by the fact that more than 80% of the fundamental funds of production have developed their resources. Obviously, working on long-worn equipment increases the likelihood of emergency situations. It is important to say that the overwhelming majority of managers have a clear understanding of the importance of proper organization of labor protection at work. Their conviction is based on a correct understanding of the role of labor protection. This article is devoted to the consideration of issues related to the organization of labor protection in production, the impact on the final result of production activities. It also addresses the issue of workers' safety and ways to solve problems arising in the production process.

labor protection, safety, injuries, production, safety of workers
For Russia, the relevance of the problem under consideration is also explained by the fact that more than 80% of the fundamental funds of production have developed their resources. Obviously, working on long-worn equipment increases the likelihood of emergency situations. It is important to say that the overwhelming majority of managers have a clear understanding of the importance of proper organization of labor protection at work. Their conviction is based on a correct understanding of the role of labor protection. This article is devoted to the consideration of issues related to the organization of labor protection in production, the impact on the final result of production activities. It also addresses the issue of workers' safety and ways to solve problems arising in the production process.

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