Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article examines the attitude of agricultural producers to participation in the 2016 All-Russian Agricultural Census on the basis of reports from territorial bodies of state statistics of constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The active participation of respondents in the census is noted and its main reasons are analyzed (high qualifications of census takers, effective outreach, good census organization). At the same time, factors that motivated citizens not to participate in the census are indicated. In conclusion, it is noted that the loyal attitude of the population to the agricultural census obliges the authorities to implement new measures for the development of agriculture.

agricultural census, agricultural producers, agricultural organizations, peasant (farmer) farms, individual entrepreneurs, personal subsidiary farms, respondents, territorial bodies of state statistics
The article examines the attitude of agricultural producers to participation in the 2016 All-Russian Agricultural Census on the basis of reports from territorial bodies of state statistics of constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The active participation of respondents in the census is noted and its main reasons are analyzed (high qualifications of census takers, effective outreach, good census organization). At the same time, factors that motivated citizens not to participate in the census are indicated. In conclusion, it is noted that the loyal attitude of the population to the agricultural census obliges the authorities to implement new measures for the development of agriculture.

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